Tuesday, 26 January 2016

General website research- #2 - Ride

Aritst- Ride 
Genre-Shoe Gaze, Indie rock, Alternative rock
Link- http://ridemusic.net/home/

This website has a single panel in the middle of the website which changing images, from album covers to the band themselves, both in the present and the past. The site does contain some gadgets on the side (7) which greatly helps the viewer navigate through the site with ease. In addition to this there is a striking block capitol home button on the top left (Which reads "RIDE"). This could be due to the theory of how we read in an F shape in most situations in life. There is also a large notice on the bottom right corner advertising Ride gigs in 2015 (No longer valid). This large box is perhaps indicative and reinforces the theory that a lot of artists who loose a large portion of money on albums (due to streaming and piracy) try and diversify to collect additional money (Through concerts and merchandising).

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