Monday, 15 February 2016

My viral element- Competition

In order to attain a good level of audience interaction, I have decided to include a viral element to my project.

The details of the competition will be found on the news section of my website. The rules of the competition are simple:

- Fans will be asked to stick the NIN logo onto various city locations (depending on where they live).
- They will picture this logo, and submit their photo's to the NIN website or social media pages (Twitter @ #NIN).
- The City with the most submissions will be awarded with an exclusive concert from NIN.

I have applied this notion of a viral competition from my research into viral competitions staged by music acts such as, The Chemical brothers as well as Placebo. 

1 comment:

  1. Your brief website posts highlighted examples...yet you haven't here?! Show you're APPLYING RESEARCH.


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