Monday, 15 February 2016

Genre specific digipaks- #1 - With Teeth- Nine Inch Nails

Artist: Nine Inch Nails
Nature: LP/ Studio Album/ CD
Artist: Rob Sheridan 

This is the complete six panels of the 'With Teeth' Digipak. It contains two different art pieces that are inherently linked with one another with the continuity in the colour palette. The conventions of this digipak are as follows:

- Low key lighting and colour choices.
- Parental advisory sticker on the front indicates cursewords.  
- Sheridan's 'digital style' is symbolic and synergises with the industrial genre (Incorporating electronica and metal respectively). 
-The digital style is seen through the 'shimmering' wire effect of the NIN logo, as well as the lines that can be seen all over the artwork.
-Almost reminiscent of a computer or synthetic source. 
- Reznor is seen on the inside of the cover posing for the first time ever in the NIN discography.
- The more clean cut re-branding of NIN is heavily linked to Reznor's modelling for the artwork on this release.
- Institutional information displayed on the back (middle) panel
- Retail barcode seen on the back reinforces the commercial and retail purpose
 - Track listing on the back.

Contextual information regarding the LP.
It is important to note Reznor's recovery from Heroin addiction (Which had reached an all-time low during the release of 'The Fragile' in 1999) prior to this release.  The absence of Reznor on any previous cover, is linked to his (and his music's self-destructive nature) and although the music on this album takes similar form to past NIN endeavours, it is not nearly as damaged or dark as some of Reznor's earlier releases. In addition to this he has founded his own record label by this time, 'Interscope records/ Nothing Records', and so with this comes a greater creative flexibility for anything Reznor wished to do regarding this record.

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