Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Genre Specific Website research- #2 - How To Destroy Angels

Aritst-How To Destroy Angels  
Genre- Industrial, Alternative rock, Electronic

This website features a band live performance as it's background and has a highly digital effect as a consequence of this. The dark colours of, black, blue and red synergise with the genre fairly well and offer a hint as to what the music will sound like. Unlike other conventional website pages, the gadgets for this page lie at the bottom of the page as a posed to the top.

The entire page seems to promote the new release 'Welcome Oblivion'.

There are five main gadgets of 'Music' (This links to sound cloud), 'video' (Vimeo), 'store', 'blog' and 'tour'. Beneath the site navigation at the bottom of the page lies further gadgets to allow the user to navigate to the bands social media. The social media elements extend to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and I-Tunes.  

1 comment:

  1. These are all very brief; some extension would help you with Q1. A vodcast style summary can be re-edited for Q1 too.


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