Aritst-Nine Inch Nails
Genre- Industrial, Alternative rock, Electronic
The Nine Inch Nails website is rather plain in concept and only has three gadgets on the left handside of the page for audience navigation. These gadgets are 'Videos', 'Music' and 'Store'. Beneath these lies four of the social network giants (logos) of Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram.
In addition to this on the opposite side lies the panal of music gadgets with Apple Music, Amazon Prime, Youtube, Spotify and Sound cloud.
The homepage serves as a continuous news feed with tumblr posts appearing in the center of the page. These continue all the way down the page and are acompanied with gifs and pictures.
The most recent post is Reznor's tribute to the late David Bowie acompanied by a quote to the 'Rolling Stone' magazine (and blog) and gif of both Bowie and Reznor performing.
The top of the page focuses on the latest release by the project, 'cargo in the blood' with differing colours to the rest of the page, this greatly stands out and serves to promote the new release.
Although simplistic in design, the site appears to serve the singular purpose of spreading news and pushing the social media access and musical acess to their work.
Influences: News feed, Social media, Digital distribution of products, navigational gadgets.
Through this research piece, I aim to emulate many of the features on this website including that of the newsfeed as you scroll down, as well as the push for digital distribution on the side of the website, including that of Apple Music, Amazon, YouTube, Spotify and SoundCloud.
This would be an obvious example to go into significant detail, and post a clear summary of how much the actual site influences yours (links to branding too)