Saturday, 3 October 2015

General music video genre conventions

Following my analysis of general music videos, I feel it is only suitable to summarize my findings in a separate blog post. These conventions will be listed in bullet-points bellow:

  • Most videos have either a performance or narrative elements to them.
  • Most videos offer a range of editing styles, ranging from a 'cut on beat' theme more common in performance style videos, contrasting from less conventional narrative driven videos.
  • In most videos exists a degree of star treatment, usually in the lead singer/song writer (even in band situations).
  • Close ups are used in select amounts to provide greater emphasis on lyrical content or narrative.
  • Mise-En-Scene is inherently tied to the genre of the music, whether that be through costume or location.
  • Several after effects are often used to increase replayability of the tacks.
  • Enigmas and oblique shots are often included to appeal to repeat viewings by audience members.
  • There is often a relationship between lyrics and visuals (Vernailis and Archer) however sometimes there is none at all.
  • Sub-cultures are often represented depending on target audience.
  • In more mainstream music, male gaze becomes more of a prominent and influencing force.
  • Mode of address is also a common theme throughout videos in general as it is an effective way of the artist communicating with the target audience demographic.


  1. Obviously a CRUCIAL post for Eval. Usual approach: vodcast for this, and re-edit this for Eval Q - see examples in

  2. (at the moment zero illustration, zero example/s!)


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