Tuesday, 26 April 2016

(Sunspots) Final cut



In this cut I took on board the much appreciated audience feedback and polished some of the timings as well as incorporated some more cross cutting as well as some more frequent and polished layering.

Below is a playlist with my music videos journey and transition through various incarnations and cuts.


1 comment:

  1. Largely excellent work Joe; some minor suggestions, but your main task now is to check you've clearly evidenced you're linking research to planning throughout your blog, and can suitably justify your choices in the Evaluation - which you still need to work into 4 detailed answers (the current Prezi is at U level).
    Layering is generally good, but some smoothing needed (and the shadow in shots like 0:26 could be an option too if cropped).
    The matched transition at 0:59 is great - maybe lengthen slightly to help draw attention to the framing over the shades lens? You don't need the hand going down/away part of the Orla shot, so you can slow and retain same length. Drum shots like 1:13 - option to add a shake effect (earthquake on FCPX). Matched cut at 1:17 - chance to use colour correction to draw out cig tip red only (as JoyDiv vid from 2011 did). 1:31 long take along wall; could layer a CU/MCU of Trent on wall? Or Orla, further signifying the desire/painful element? Or even the shot that currently follows. Drum 1:49 great shot, might have more impact if you cut away after the 1st 2 major notes and come back for the next 2? 2:07 one layer too many over Orla. You can always layer to either side of Trent in next shot at 2:11. Around 2:23 echo effect in track, could multi-layer Trents. 2:56 falling to knees - great shot, could be more impactive if cut to a beat, maybe slo-mo, repeat loop on impact point etc. 3:22 1st unconvincing moment (lacks verisimilitude); just too long a take - better if shortened or layers added. Sounds like you recut the track to create your own ending - that is a serious drop in standards, so try to rectify!!!
    The simulacra of NIN especially Trent has been effective through location, costume + make-up and the performance of Kristian + the enigmatic narrative.


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