Thursday, 17 March 2016

Creating a twitter feed for my website

Having researched how to do this, I found answers in the Wix help forums and embedded this feature into my website.



This emphasis on across the board branding will surely be useful in maintaining and growing a fanbase through increased connectivity with my primary and secondary audiences through direct contact and second hand contact through 're-tweets' and 'likes' across the network.


  1. - I think your website definitely suits your genre perfectly, especially the dark and cold colours
    - For your about page, there is a large empty space and then bellow the text there is an image. Maybe put the image above the text? because that would then introduce the audience to him
    - For the contact page, there is simply a sign up area, maybe add some text saying what the sign up would be for (news letters, discounts, extras?)

  2. (sorry forgot to add this point in the last comment)
    You have your social media links in bright colours, which looks slightly out of place as it doesn't blend in with the theme of the website. You could possibly change this to the grey scaled icons, which can be changed in the settings of the social media icons

  3. Home: an auto-scrolling gallery?
    Check the ‘read more’ actually leads to ‘more’! These should also have hyperlinks to original content/site. ‘Read more’ on video = ??
    Live – blank. Make sure dates are beyond May (examiner marking up to July/August) and hyperlink venues.
    Media: quite good, but lacking hyperlinks + masthead of publications. An interview with video director (usable for Eval potentially) a good idea here? BTScenes vids useful – some explanatory text useful? Buy albums link/s? More recent tweets? Other social media content?
    About – mention your album in this. Add an album discography (iTunes links)?
    Contact. Subscribe now (not no)? This is confused: you don’t provide any contact details!!! As well as an email you’d add hashtags + maybe an auto-updated gallery of latest tweets etc
    Shop – limited range; no size/s. No vinyl??

  4. address branding/mode of address (audience; web 2.0...)


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